
C's bookshelf: read

The Peculiar
Maggot Moon
The City and the City
The Road
A Certain Slant of Light
The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer's Craft
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Brown Girl in the Ring
Well Wished
The Innkeeper's Song
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
American Indian Myths and Legends
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Return of the King
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers

C S Peterson's favorite books »

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Frank Armbruster

As field trip teachers we are contacting interesting and passionate people every day and asking them to give time to our students who share their passions.  So many people give so much to us that, though we try, we could never thank them enough for what they do to inspire and encourage our students.  One person in particular has given his time and his talent over and over again.  

Frank Armbruster is one of those that always say yes when we call.  He is an eccentric, enthusiastic inventor, a passionate ‘out-of-the-box’ thinker.  His infectious energy never failed to engage students who met with him, and to inspire deep and creative thinking.  He would appear at our office door with a ready smile and a twinkle in his eye.  He would excitedly tell of his latest creation and shower us with samples of his inventions.  Our office is filled with all these little bits of Frank’s bubbling, creative mind.  We hear today that he had a serious set-back to his health.  The field trip teachers spent an hour this morning making a video, showing how we use what he has given us, telling how we treasure the time he has shared with us and our students.  I am reminded again that time is a precious gift, meant to be shared.  Thank you Frank.  We all wish you the very best!


  1. How cool! What a great program. I remember even now when my 3rd grade teacher had her brother come to our class. He had been a riverboat pilot on the canal that used to run through our town. I still remember him. Can you imagine what your students are leaving with?

    1. Isn't it amazing how some moments of childhood stick with us and even shape us as adults? I know this true, but I am often so caught up in the adventure of the moment that I am glad for the reminder! What a great piece of life and history your teacher helped you connect with. I would love to read your blog too, but I couldn't find it?

  2. Oh Katie, I'm so sorry to hear about his problems. How great of you and everyone to create the video. I imagine some students might like to see it, don't you think? I'm sorry I didn't take time to visit today to see what was going on!

  3. It's so sad to hear of struggles for someone so dedicated! So very thoughtful of you to make the video to cheer him. Your reminder of time being a precious gift to be shared is so true...

  4. Frank passed away this morning, March 13, 2013, at 2:00 am. We have lost a great hearted teacher and will miss him terribly.
